Good For Enterprise用户端是通过UDP Port 12000与Good NOC进行通信。常常有用户反应在手机上安装的GFE APP,通过手据的数据上网或在家里的WiFi环境,都可正常收发邮件;但在公司的WiFi环境里,GFE却无法正常收发邮件,这个有可能是UDP Port 12000被公司的防火墙阻挡所导致。以下介绍在 iOS 平台中通过UDP Tool来测试是否可以通过UDP Port 12000与Good NOC连络。
- 请在iOS上的App Store上,输入 “UDP Tool” 来查找 UDP Tool+ APP,查到后请下载并安装。
接着打开 UDP Tool APP,并在它的界面上输入以下信息:
Dest IP: 或 goodnoc.docutek.cn
接着按下Send的按钮,如果UDP Port 12000是通的,下面的Incoming信息框会显示所收到的信息,该信息是一串不规则的字元,每次的信息都不一样。
用户端Good for Enterprise APP会用到以下端口,如果要让员工在公司WiFi环境下使用GFE,则在防火墙要开放以下端口:
UDP Port 12000
Used to pass outbound-initiated traffic to Good once the Good client is installed on the handheld. Open 12000 for inbound traffic as well. -
TCP Port 80
Used to redirect to secure port 443. -
TCP Port 443
Used for secure access to Good webstore for OTA distribution and download. -
TCP Port 21
Used to FTP logs to Good Technical Support (optional, but highly recommended). -
TCP Port 15000
Used for attachment downloading and S/MIME. Open 15000 for inbound traffic as well. -
TCP Port 5223
Used for Apple push notifications. -
TCP Port 5228,5229,5230
Used for Android